

Lack of Calcium: Hypocalcemia is the medical term for low serum calcium. Causes include hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, hypophosphatemia and acute pancreatitis. When the renal system isn't functioning or more phosphates enter the bloodstream than the kidneys can handle, the body excretes phosphates in the stool, blocking calcium absorption and causing hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia most often occurs in newborns, either within the first two days of life or after five to 10 days. Hypocalcemia in newborns can result from feeding your child formula, which can contain high levels of phosphates. MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: BEST-SELLING CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT Lack of Calcium: Calcium is necessary for the regulation of muscle response and nerve function. Accordingly, a lack of serum calcium can result in muscle stiffness, twitches and tremors. Owing to the subtlety of these symptoms, they may not appear conspicuous enough to indicate a serious condition, particu...


Bone Health: Our bones also store minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which help keep our bones strong, and release them into the body when we need them for other uses.  Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, getting plenty of exercise, and having good health habits help keep our bones healthy. The best foods for building strong bones are sardines, broccoli, almonds, prunes, oranges, and onions. All have been shown to help increase bone density. MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: BEST CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT Bone Health: While genetic factors play a significant role in determining bone mass, controllable lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity can mean the difference between a frail and strong skeleton. Calcium has been singled out as a major public health concern today because it is critically important to bone health and the average individual consumes levels of calcium that are far below the amount recommended for optimal bone health. Vitamin D...


One important benefits of calcium are bone growth and skeletal development. With enough calcium intake, bone development is prolonged which is essential for bone growth in small children and young adults. Calcium is all you need for growth, development, and complete nutrition. Another benefit of calcium is to help maintain weight. Calcium acts as a natural catalyst on the metabolism, which increases the digestive processes. This helps in burning the fat cells in the body, which directly helps you in losing weight.  MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: BEST CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT With a sufficient intake of calcium in your regular diet, you are protected from various cardiovascular diseases, as well as hypertension. The deficiency of calcium in the body can affect the nervous system, which is directly connected to vital organs such as the heart. Calcium helps other nutrients to transport in our body. This means that calcium not only provides the basic support for the...


Broken Bone: A broken bone or fracture happens when excessive force applied to your bone causes it to break or shatter. Some fractures break the bone completely, while others just cause a crack in the bone. Fracture types vary depending on the circumstances of the injury and the amount of force applied to the bone. A fracture is a broken bone. A broken bone is a fracture. While many people believe that a fracture is a "hairline break," or a certain type of broken bone, this is not true. A fracture and a broken bone are the same thing.  MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: MOST RECOMMENDED CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT  Broken Bone: Bones are very strong. Their design allows them to absorb pressure if you fall or you’re in an accident. But your bones can only absorb so much pressure before breaking. A broken bone commonly occurs for the following reasons: injury (accidental or intentional), falls from heights, falls on ice or other unsafe surfaces and overuse, particu...


Knee Injuries: Direct trauma to the bony structure can cause one of the bones in the knee to break. This is usually a very obvious and painful knee injury. Most knee fractures are not only painful but will also interfere with the proper functioning of the knee (such as kneecap fracture) or make it very painful to bear weight such as tibial plateau fracture. All fractures need immediate medical attention. Many fractures require significant force, and a thorough examination is performed to detect other injuries. MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: BEST CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT  Knee Injuries: The most common injury is the ACL or anterior cruciate ligament injury. This is often a sports-related injury due to a sudden stop and change in directions. The remaining ligaments such as posterior cruciate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, and medial collateral ligament are injured less frequently. MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: BEST CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT  ...


Your bones protect your internal organs and provide support for your muscles. Strong bones support your participation in social activities, such as dancing, and sports, including golf and tennis. Strong bones carry you through busy work days, no matter how exhausted your body may be. Without strong bones, children could not enjoy playing, running, jumping, climbing, tumbling and participating in all the fun-filled physical activities they love. MORIKAMI CALCIUM L-THREONATE: BEST SUPPLEMENT FOR BONES AND JOINTS Strong bones do much more than provide strength, balance and support for your body; they also enable better posture to improve your appearance and make you look and feel more youthful. For women, the percentage of bone loss increases to 2 to 3 percent three to five years after menopause. As bone mass decreases, men and women are at risk for developing osteoporosis, a disease that causes thinning and weakening of bones. Bones weakened by osteoporosis are m...